Innovative Food Trends and Retail Opportunities in the Baltics and Finland - Keskuskauppakamari

Innovative Food Trends and Retail Opportunities in the Baltics and Finland

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Teams meeting, online

Time: February 17, 2021 at 09:30 -11:00 (Finnish time)
Venue: Online (Teams)

Event is free of charge.
We kindly ask you to register no later than February 15, 2021
A link to join the webinar will be sent to those registered on February,16, 2021. 

We wish you warmly welcome to the webinar on Innovative Food Trends and Retail Opportunities in the Baltics and Finland.


09:30 -09:35 Opening words, Ms. Anne Hatanpää, Liaison Manager, International Affairs, Finland Chamber of Commerce

09:35 – 09:45 “Eight megatrends in Nordic Baltic food systems”, Ms. Maija Kale, Adviser, Nordic Council of Ministers office in Latvia

09:45 – 09:55 Solar Foods Ltd (Finland), Dr. Pasi Vainikka, CEO and Founder     

10:00 – 10:45 Panel discussion

Panel:  What are sustainability trends in the food market? What are effects of innovation on sustainability and the buying processes? Is e-commerce going hand in hand with innovations? What are valuable food innovations for the future? How to connect interest groups and countries in promoting innovative food products?

Moderator: Mr. Mika Kukkurainen, Managing partner, Nordic FoodTech VC

Panel participants:

Ms. Mariell Toiger, Marketing Director, Paulig Group, Ms. Piret Lankots, Sustainability Expert, SOK, Mr. Klavs Berzins, Baltic Managing Director, Fazer Bakery Baltic, Mr. Andrius Mikalauskas, CEO Barbora Baltics, Maxima Group and Ms. Liene Perija, Digital Development Director, Rimi Baltic Group.


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